Courses and Syllabi


MBBS     - Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery

MD         - Doctor of Medicine (Biochemistry)

BDS        - Bachelor of Dental Surgery

DCP        - Diploma in Clinical Pathology

BPharm   - Bachelor of  Pharmaceutical Sciences

BSc MLT - Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology

BSc Nursing - Bachelor of  Nursing

DMLT     - Diploma in  Medical Laboratory Technology


Course Summary

A basic understanding of biochemistry is an integral part of the medical sciences.

Duration of Course 2 semesters with total of 240 hours (lectures 80 and practicals, seminars, structured discussion, integrated teaching, projects, evaluation and revision 160). 

Medical Biochemistry is designed to present the basics of biochemistry for the purpose of providing the student with the background necessary for their future studies.

Goal The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Biochemistry is to make them understand the scientific basis of the life process at the molecular level and to orient them towards the application of the knowledge acquired in solving clinical problems.

Objectives- at the end of the course, the student shall be able to:

  1. Describe the molecular and functional organization of a cell and list its sub-cellular components.
  2. Delineate structure, function and inter-relationship of biomolecules and consequences of deviation from normal.
  3. Summarize the fundamental aspects of enzymology and clinical applications wherein regulation of enzymatic activity is altered.
  4. Describe digestion and assimilation of nutrients and consequences of malnutrition.
  5. Integrate the various aspects of metabolism and their regulatory pathways.
  6. Explain the biochemical basis of inherited disorders with their associated sequela.
  7. Describe mechanisms involved in maintenance of body fluids and pH homeostasis.
  8. Outline the molecular mechanisms of gene expression and regulation, the principles of genetic engineering and their application in medicine.
  9. Summarize the molecular concepts of defenses and their application in medicine.
  10. Outline the biochemical basis of environmental health hazards, biochemical basis of cancer and carcinogenesis.
  11. Familiarize with the principles of various conventional and specialized laboratory investigations and instrumentation analysis and interpretation of a given data.
  12. Suggest experiments to support theoretical concepts and clinical diagnosis.
  1. Make use of conventional techniques and instruments to perform biochemical analysis relevant to clinical screening and diagnosis.
  2. Analyze and interpret investigative data.
  3. Demonstrate the skills of solving scientific and clinical problems and decision making.
The knowledge acquired in biochemistry shall help the student to integrate molecular events with structure and function of the human body in health and disease.
           The lecture portion of the course consists of lecture blocks  which are coordinated with the overall undergraduate themes of Cellular and Molecular Biology, The Gastrointestinal System, The Cardiovascular System, The Respiratory System, The Musculo-Skeletal System, The Renal System, The Endocrine System and Neuroscience. Specific topics covered include:



Duration of the course     :         2 semesters

Total number of hours     :         240

Lectures                          :         80

Practicals                        :         160

Innovative session (Projects, seminars, structured discussion, integrated teaching, formative evaluation and revision): Along with Practicals


l. Introduction                                                                                                            1 hr.

    Structure and functions of cell, cellular organelle and biomembranes

    Structure and function of biomembrane.                                                                  2 hrs

    (details of membrane transport and ion channels will be covered in Physiology, so

    excluded from Biochemistry).

2. Biomolecules                                                                                                       14 hrs

A.  Proteins:

    Amino acids - classification based on structure.                                                         1 hr.

    Ionic properties of amino acids, isoelectric pH,                                                         2 hrs

    buffering action of aminoacids and proteins.                                                                   

    Structural organization of proteins - primary,

    secondary, tertiary and quaternary, forces involved

    in maintaining - Examples - Insulin, collagen, proteins.                                              2 hrs

    Denaturation, coagulation, isoelectric precipitation,

    precipitation of proteins using salt solutions,

    classification of proteins (colour reactions to be

    covered with practicals).

    Electrophoresis and chromatography - brief mention on

    separation techniques (details of techniques and

    application in practical demonstration).                                                                     1 hr.

B. Carbohydrates:

    Classification - monosaccharides; glucose, fructose,

    galactose and mannose. Reactions; reducing property,

    oxidation, reduction). Isomers, anomers and epimers.

    Derivatives like amino sugars and deoxy-sugars.

    Glycosidic bond.                                                                                                  2 hrs

    Disaccharides; lactose, sucrose, maltose.

    Polysaccharides; Starch, glycogen, dextrins,

    glycosaminoglycans (basic structural features

    and functions only), blood group antigens.                                                              2 hrs


C.  Lipids:

    Definition, classification with examples,

    saturated and unsaturated fatty acids,

    triacylglycerol, phospholipids.                                                                                2 hrs

3. Enzymes                                                                                                             10 hrs

    Nature of enzymes, coenzymes and cofactors, classification,

     Mechanism of action, specificity of enzymes, active site

    Enzyme kinetics, factors affecting enzyme activity,

    Km value and significance (derivation not required).

    Enzyme inhibition - competitive, noncompetitive, allosteric,

    feed back, therapeutic agents like antimetabolites as examples.

    Enzymes regulation in biological systems - allosteric regulation,

    covalent modification, zymogen activation, induction and

    repression (mention only).

    Isoenzymes and their significance with suitable examples.

    Clinical enzymology - Diagnostic importance of enzymes

    (LDH, CPK, AST, ALT, ACP, GGT, GPD, 5’NTase, Cholinesterase,

    Amylase, Lipase).

4. Digestion and absorption of nutrients                                                                       3 hrs

    Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins:

    Disorders of digestion and absorption.

    Glucose transporters

    Malnutrition - PEM

 5. Vitamins                                                                                                             8 hrs

    Classification, chemical nature (detailed structure not required),

    coenzyme forms, biochemical role, sources, requirements,

    deficiency and toxicity of the following vitamins.

    i.    Vitamins A, D, K and E - free radicals.

    ii.    Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid

    iii.   Folic acid and one carbon groups and B12

    iv.   Ascorbic acid

 6. Minerals                                                                                                              6 hrs

    Sources, requirements, absorption, biochemical role,

    deficiency and toxicity of the following minerals.   

    i.    Calcium and phosphorus - role of PTH. 1,25-DHCC and CT.

    ii.    Iron, copper, magnesium and anaemias.

    iii.   Sodium potassium and chloride.

    iv.   Trace elements - Zn, F, I, Se, Mn


End of first three months teaching l3 x 5 hrs per week = 65 hrs.

Total suggested classes - 41 hours.


A. Metabolism of Carbohydrates                                                                              14 hrs

    i.    EMP Pathway: Reactions, regulation in brief, energetics,

          Rapaport Leubering cycle, fate of pyruvate in aerobic and

            anaerobic conditions, PDH reaction.                                                              3 hrs

    ii.   Gluconeogenesis, key enzymes, regulation and significance,

          Cori’s cycle.                                                                                                   1 hr.

    iii.  Glycogen synthesis and degradation, regulation (brief),

          inborn errors associated.                                                                                  2 hrs

    iv.   HMP shunt pathway, NADPH generation, transketolase reaction.

          tissues where operating, G6PD deficiency, metabolic importance

          (non oxidative phase need not be elaborated).                                                   2 hrs.

    iv.  Metabolism of galactose, fructose, polyol and

         uronic acid pathways - inborn errors associated.                                                  2 hrs

    v.   Blood glucose regulation - action of insulin, glucagon,

          cortisol, growth hormone.                                                                               1 hr.

    vi.   Diabetes mellitus - Etiology, biochemical abnormalities,

          symptoms and complications.                                                                          1 hr.

    viii. Glycosurias - differential diagnosis of reducing sugars.                                        1 hr.

    ix.   GTT - procedure, criteria of normal & diabetic status,

         interpretation of graphs, glycated Hb.                                                                 1 hr.


B. Lipids                                                                                                              13 hrs.

    i.   Beta oxidation of fatty acids, transport of fatty acids

        across mitochondrial membrane, regulation and energetics.                                 1 hr.

    ii.  Synthesis of fatty acids, fatty acid synthase complex,

        regulation, elongation and desaturation,                                                             2 hrs.

    iii. Formation and utilization of ketone bodies,

        ketoacidosis in diabetes and starvation.                                                             2 hrs.

    iv.  Metabolism of adipose tissue, hormone sensitive lipase,

         action of Hormones (insulin, glucagon, epinephrine and cortisol),

         liver adipose tissue axis, fatty liver, lipotrophic factors.                                       2 hrs.

    iv. Cholesterol - structure synthesis (crucial intermediates only),

         regulation, metabolic fate, bile acids and steroid hormones

         formation from cholesterol.                                                                             2 hrs.

    v.   Transport of plasma lipids, lipoproteins, metabolism,

         apoproteins, functions, lipid profile and dyslipidemias,

         atherosclerosis, biochemical basis of management of

         hyperlipidemias - diet, PUFA and dietary fibre, drugs.                                        2 hrs.

    vi. Eicosanoids - prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes,

         structure and formation (major steps only), actions.                                           1 hr.

    viii. Phospholipids and sphingolipids - inborn errors.1 hr.    


C. Amino acids                                                                                                        13 hrs

    i.   Body amino acid pool, dynamic state of body proteins,

         inter-organ transport of amino acids, nitrogen balance,

         glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids.                                                              1 hr.

    ii.  Transamination (reaction only), decarboxylation, oxidative

         deamination, transdeamination, formation of ammonia.                                      1 hr.

         Disposal of ammonia, urea cycle, hyper ammonemias.                                      1 hr.

    iii.  Metabolism of glycine, compounds synthesized, creatine

         and creatinine, hyperglycinemias, glutathione.                                                    2 hrs

    iv. Metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine,

         transsulphuration, transmethylation reactions, formation of taurine, PAPs,

         excretion of sulphur, homocystinuria, cystinuria and cystinosis.                           2 hrs

    v.  Phenylalanine and tyrosine - metabolism, PKU and alkaptonuria,

         synthesis of thyroid hormones,  synthesis and catabolism

         of catecholamines, albinism, tyrosinemia.                                                         2 hrs

   vi.  Tryptophan - formation of NAD (important steps only),

        serotonin and S HIAA, xanthurenic acid, melatonin,

         formation of indican, Hartnup’s disease, branched chain

         amino acids - MSUD (pathway not required).                                                  2 hrs

   vii.  Glutamic acid, glutamine, GABA, aspartic acid,

          asparagine, serine, (metabolic role and compounds synthesized

         using these amino acids only),  polyamines.                                                       2 hrs    


D. TCA Cycle                                                                                                          6 hrs

i.    Reactions, regulation and energetics.                                                                     1 hr.

    ii.    Interrelation of CHO, lipid, and amino acid metabolism.                                    1 hr.

    iii.   Anaplerotic reactions, amphibolic role of TCA cycle and

            metabolic adaptations during fed state and starvation.                                      2 hrs

    iv.   Electron transport chain - components and sites of ATP synthase,

          inhibitors and uncouplers, ATP synthase

            and mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation (briefly).                                   2 hrs


7.  Hemoglobin                                                                                                       5 hrs

    Synthesis and degradation.                                                                                  2 hrs    

    Hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias, porphyrias

     (brief mention only as examples in each case).                                                    3 hrs


8. Maintenance of Homeostasis                                                                               6 hrs

    i.   Acid base regulation - acid and bases, pH, buffers,

         Henderson - Hasselbach’s equation (derivation not required),

         buffer capacity.                                                                                                1 hr.

    ii.   Acids and bases in the body, plasma buffers, respiratory and

         renal regulation of pH.                                                                                     2 hrs

    iii.  Acidosis and alkalosis, major causes and compensatory

         mechanism, anion gap, assessment of acid base status.                                       2 hrs

    iv. Fluid and electrolyte balance - distribution of body Water

disorders (hormonal regulation covered in Physiology).                                 1 hr.


End of second three months teaching 13 x 5 hrs per weeks ~ 65 hrs.

Total suggested classes - 57 hours.


9. Nucleic Acids                                                                                                    23 hrs

A .   i.   Structure of purines, pyrimidines. nucleosides, nucleotides:                          2 hrs

       ii.   Purine: nucleotide synthesis and catabolism (synthetic

            pathway need. not be considered in detail with names of

            intermediates. Only the source of different atoms and

            sequence of addition).  Salvage pathway and regulation,

            hyperuricemia and gout, Lesch Nyhan syndrome.                                            2 hrs

      iii.  Pyramidine: nucleotide synthesis, regulation, orotic aciduria,

            formation of deoxy nucleotides, thymidylate synthase reaction,

            folic acid antagonists and nucleotide analogues as

            chemotherapeutic agents.                                                                              1 hr.

     iv.   Nucleic acids: Structure of DNA, different types of DNA,

            mitochondrial DNA, base pairing rule, differences between

            DNA and RNA, mention different types of RNA.                                          2 hrs

B.   DNA replication, DNA polymerase, DNA repair.                                                 1 hr.

C.  Transcription, RNA polymerase, post-transcriptional

        modifications, splicing, inhibitors, reverse transcriptase,

        ribozyme.                                                                                                      2 hrs

D.  Genetic code, t-RNA, ribosomes.                                                                        1 hr.

E.   Translation, steps, post-translational modifications,

       inhibitors.                                                                                                       2 hrs.

F.   Regulation of gene expression, induction,

      repression and derepression.                                                                                1 hr.

G.  Recombinant DNA technology, restriction endonucleases.

     Southern, Northern and Western blotting. RFLP,         

     DNA, finger printing, polymerase chain reaction,

     anti sense therapy, application of molecular biology in

     clinical situations, gene therapy.                                                                            5 hrs.

H.  Biochemical basis of inherited disorders: Mutations,

      pathogenesis of inborn errors in general, types of

      mutations with examples in each case, mode of inheritance.                               


10. Immunoglobulins                                                                                               2 hrs.

      Structure and functions, hyper and hypo gamma globulinemias,

     immuno assays, AIDS, monoclonal antibodies.

11. Biochemistry of Cancer - Cell Cycle                                                                     5 hrs.

    Mutagens, carcinogens, role in carcinogenesis, viruses in

    carcinogenesis, tumour markers and oncogenes.                                                      2 hrs.

    Biochemical basis of environmental health and environmental

    toxicology. Biotransformation of xenobiotics in general and

    absorption, transport, effects and biotransformation.                                               3 hrs.

12. Conventional Laboratory Investigations                                                                6 hrs.

    i.  Liver Function Tests including formation of bilirubin,

        hyperbilirubinemias and differential diagnosis of jaundice

        (S. bilirubin, serum enzymes, A/G ratio, BSP test, urine tests).                           2 hrs.

    ii.  Gastric Function Tests (Pentagastrin test, total and free

        acidity of gastric juice, AHT and Hollander’s test) and

        Pancreatic Function tests including tests for malabsorption.                                 2 hrs.

    iii. Renal Function Tests - clearance tests, tests of tubular

        function, NPN urine analysis.                                                                           2 hrs.

    iv. Specialized Laboratory Investigations - RIA, EIA,

        principles of colorimetry.                                                                                 1 hr.

    v. Radioactivity - diagnostic, research and therapeutic

        applications and radiation hazards.                                                                    1 hr.


End of third three months teaching l3 x 5 hrs per week: = 65 hrs.

Total suggested classes - 36 hours.


The topics mentioned above have to be covered within the stipulated period of one year. Hence, the basic fundamentals may be covered as lectures and the other topics as tutorials, group discussions, integrated teaching sessions (Horizontal and vertical), seminars and symposia. In all these sessions active participation of students must be ensured. A few topics have identified for the nonconventional type of learning.


DETAILS OF PRACTICALS                                                    35 sessions

1. Reactions of carbohydrates: Glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose.                        3 sessions

2. Reactions of proteins (colour reactions and precipitation)                                   3 sessions

3. Reactions of urea and uric acid.                                                                       1 session

    (Hypobromite and specific urease test for urea and

    Benedict’s test and Schiff’s test for uric acid)

4.  Identification of biochemically important compounds in given solution.               3 sessions

5.   Normal urine - organic and inorganic constituents                                            2 sessions


End of first three months teaching 13 x 2 hrs per week - 26 hours.

Total suggested classes = 24 hours.


6.  Abnormal urine - urinalysis (physical and chemical).                                        3 sessions

7.  Demonstration of electrophoresis - agar gel –

    interpretation of simple patterns.                                                                      1 session

8. Demonstration of chromatography –

    paper TLC - Diagnostic importance.                                                                 1 session

9. Introduction to clinical chemistry - collection of samples,

   anticoagulants and preservatives, principles of colorimetry.                                 1 session

10. Estimation of glucose - GTT curves -lab data analysis.                                    1 session

11 .Estimation of urea in serum - calculation of clearance

    from given values of U and V.                                                                        1 session

12. Estimation of creatinine in urine or serum –

        calculation of clearance.                                                                            1 session

13. Estimation of serum cholesterol - estimation of LDL cholesterol

    from given values of HDL and TAG, lipid profile, data interpretation.               1 session

14. Estimation of total protein and albumin - A/G ratio.                                        1 session

15. Estimation of serum alkaline phosphatase.                                                      1 session


End of second three months teaching 13 x 2 hrs per week = 26 hours.

Total suggested classes = 24 hours.         


16. Spotters - Demonstration - simple instruments, graphs, tests, etc.                   2 sessions

17. Laboratory data interpretation - liver diseases, renal diseases,

     acid base disturbances, diabetes mellitus, lipid disorders, etc.                           2  sessions

18. Problem solving exercises - short history of different conditions

     may be given and students will be asked to suggest investigations

     to arrive at a diagnosis.                                                                                2 sessions

19. Revision                                                                                                    5 sessions


End of third three months teaching 13 x 2 hrs per week = 26 hours.

Total suggested classes = 22 hours.

EVALUATION - General details


Theory- Two papers of 50 marks each       (three hrs)                                 100 marks

Oral                                                                                                                   20 marks

Practicals                                                                                                          40 marks

Internal Assessment                                                                                        40 marks

Total                                                                                          200 marks


University Examination

Theory - Topic Division

Paper I - Introduction, biomolecules, enzymes, nutrients, vitamins and minerals, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and haemoglobin (topics 1-8)

Paper II - Maintenance of homeostasis, nucleic acids, immunoglobulins, cell cycle and laboratory investigations (topics 9-12)

Practicals  I- (a)  Quantitative experiment - (estimation of blood urea, glucose, total protein,             albumin, creatinine etc. (skills, interpretation)                                                           10 marks         

(b)  Interpretation of data / problem solving exercise (data on diabetes mellitus, jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, MI etc.)                                                                                                      10 marks


Practical II - (a) ~Qualitative experiment - (identification demonstration of normal constituents, detection of abnormal constituents etc. (skills, interpretation)                                10 marks         

(b)  Spotting (10 numbers)                                                                                          10 marks


Orals - 4 examiners - Topics to be divided and all examiners to examine each student.

    Maximum Mark                                                                                                      20 marks


MD (Biochemistry)

Course Summary


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BSc Nursing

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